Church Insurance

Gion Insurance Group consists of highly trained people of integrity who exist to help others. It starts with ownership and management.

Church & School Insurance at the Gion Insurance Group

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At the Gion Insurance Group, we provide insurance solutions for all kinds of businesses and individuals. But over the years, we’ve developed an expertise in the church, school, and nonprofit world because of our team’s heart for ministry and connections forged while working in nonprofit organizations and
ministries. As of 2024, we now insure over 130 churches, schools, and nonprofit organizations in the greater St. Louis area alone! We’ve truly become the experts in this area.

We are able to meet the various needs of this defined niche for three primary reasons:

1. As a broker at the Crane Agency, we directly represent every single leading church and school insurer available today. We simply have a solution for virtually every account, and Crane is licensed in all fifty states, giving us the opportunity to help any nonprofit in the US.
2. We have the expertise and experience to know how to help. Besides Rob Gion, Jr. (owner of the Gion Insurance Group), we have two dedicated professionals that specialize in insuring and servicing churches. Rob has 29 years of experience working with churches. Bill Crets has thirty- one years of experience, spending most of his career working directly for a church insurance company. And Aaron has now been working directly with our church accounts for the last three years.
3. We have insured this niche profitably for many years. After spending some time on this page, please visit the “Feeding Frenzy” section of our website to learn more about why this is important. Here, I’ll simply say that our insurers trust us and WANT our church, school, and
nonprofit business.


What specific type of coverage do you offer for churches, schools, and similar organizations?

Churches, schools, and nonprofit organizations need the same coverage that for-profit businesses do. That includes Property, General Liability, Auto Insurance, Workers Compensation, Employee Benefit Coverage, and others; (click on any of those to learn more.) But most nonprofit organizations have
specific additional coverage needs beyond the needs of normal businesses.

Here are a few specific coverage areas that we focus on as it relates to the nonprofit organizations we insure:

        • Abuse & Molestation Coverage – Because of the direct contact that most nonprofit organizations have with children and other vulnerable population groups, abuse can and sadly does happen. With the rise of the “Me Too” movement, claims in this area have skyrocketed. Churches and other nonprofit organizations need defense coverage at a minimum for a claim that could be made against its leaders. In addition, should abuse or sexual misconduct have occurred, nonprofits need an appropriate limit of coverage to avoid losing everything.
        • Directors and Officers Coverage – Unlike many businesses, most nonprofit organizations are led by a group of directors and officers (board members.) In addition, executives of the organization make important decisions on a monthly, if not weekly, basis that can greatly impact the organization. For example, church boards made decisions during the initial stages of the Covid- 19 pandemic, that may have had serious repercussions for the organization. Directors and Officers Coverage provides protection for the organization itself and the leadership of it.
        • Professional/Counseling Coverage – All ministers perform various counseling duties. This may be as simply as meeting the needs of a grieving congregant who lost a loved one. Or it could be as significant as providing marriage counseling to a couple in serious danger of a failing marriage. But it’s not just ministers who counsel. Most churches and nonprofit organizations have lay leaders and volunteers of the organization that could be providing guidance that falls under the definition of counseling. We aim to provide coverage for anyone within the organization and the organization itself should a claim ever come from any counseling performed.
        • Police Professional Coverage – Many churches and schools today utilize professional law enforcement members to provide added security for their members. But what happens if a member of the security team oversteps their authority? What if a terrible mistake is made? While many of our churches do not purchase Police Professional Liability because of the cost, all churches and schools should consider it.

How Our Team Can Help:

Our experienced team of insurance professionals is here to guide you in determining your needs and
finding the appropriate solution. We do this in several ways (pay special attention to the Best Practices
Recommendations bullet):

        • Tailored Solutions: We understand that every nonprofit organization is unique. Our team will work closely with you to customize an insurance plan that meets your specific needs and budget.
        • Risk Assessment: We will conduct a thorough risk assessment of your operations to identify potential hazards and recommend appropriate coverage options.
        • Best Practices Recommendations: One of the most important ways that we help the churches and nonprofit organizations we work with is in the development and implementation of best practices. Often, in our initial risk assessment, we find out that churches do not have the right
          internal policies and procedures to even buy the insurance coverage they want and need, much less get the best rates for that coverage. We work directly with our clients to improve where they are at, including providing sample policies/procedures that can be implemented. Doing so, helps us to help our clients – getting them the coverage they need at the most affordable premiums. By clicking here, please visit the “Feeding Frenzy” section of the website to learn
          more about our process and why it’s important to you.
        • Claims Assistance: In the event of a claim, our dedicated claims specialists will assist you throughout the claims process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.
        • Expert Advice: With our in-depth knowledge of the church, school, and nonprofit marketplace, we can provide expert advice and guidance to help you make informed decisions about your insurance coverage.

Get Started Today!

Protect your organization’s risks with the insurance protection it needs. Contact our team today to learn
more about our insurance solutions and how we can help safeguard your nonprofit.

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